Document and File Management

Upload, organize and store documents or files of any format in the content library. Search and retrieve the files with ease using keywords in the form of metadata and tags. Leverage inbuilt pdf capabilities like merge, insert, delete to create consolidated documents.

Communication and Sharing

Communicate with team members, customers and partners through secure messaging. Establish digital relationships to exchange files with customers and partners securely. Use the inbuilt version control feature to collaborate on documents.

Virtual Access

Access the content library and other ContentCoffer features from anywhere in the world at anytime of the day using any-device like laptop, tablets, and mobile phones.

Security & Tracking

Capture audit trails of communication collaboration and sharing activities for visibility of critical actions. Your files and information are secured with security best practices for authentication, authorization, encryption etc. along with Systems and Organization (SOC 2) controls.

Information Security

ContentCoffer follows information security best practices and Complies with privacy regulations including SOC 2 controls

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